Tuesday, 4 July 2017

Brand strategies: Project 3

Week 7 - Week 12
Jessica Ngu Wei King (0323639)
Brand strategies
Project 3: City branding


The Brief
Brand Story & Brand Message Delivery

Based on Project 2, to create e-brand book, collaterals and city promotional video.

Final Outcome
  1. Brand Story (E-Brand Book)
  2. Brand Message Delivery (Collaterals mock-up)
  3. City promotional video (30~60 seconds video)
Duration of Assignment
Week 7 – 12 


Week 12

My first attempt of brand book. The lecturer think that I didn't really show the 'door' concept through the brand book. I also didn't utilize my door illustration wisely. The layouts of the brand book are still very loose and weak. She also suggested me to utilize the photographs I have taken in the brand book. 


1. E-brandbook 
Click here for pdf link

Fig. 1 Brand logo
Fig. 2 Brand story
Fig. 3 Concept/ Brand story 
Fig. 4 Introducing logo
Fig. 5 Primary colors
Fig. 6 Secondary colors 
Fig. 7 Typography - Gotham family 
Fig. 8 Introducing doors/ icons
Fig. 9 Doors to Hindu temple 
Fig. 10 Doors to Chinese temple
Fig. 11 Doors to Church 
Fig. 12 Tagline- Explore through the doors

2. Collaterals- 3 sets of postcards
At first, I had 3 ideas for my collaterals to choose from, brochure, postcards and city map. After consulting with Ms. Whay In, we decided that postcards are more suitable to promote my brand. I've come out with 3 sets of postcards, with 4 different religions per set, together with my logo and brand message. The postcards can also be tear off into 5 individual pieces.

Fig. 13 Mock-up collaterals
Fig. 14 Mock-up 2, zig zag postcards 
Fig. 15 Front of postcards
Fig. 16 Exploring on the layouts

Final collaterals
Fig. 17 Final 3 sets of postcards
Fig. 18 Backside of postcards
Fig. 19 Front side of postcards 

3. Promotional video
Malay promotional video youtube link
Indian promotional video youtube link 
Chinese promotional video youtube link
Christian promotional video youtube link

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