Sunday 4 June 2017

Publishing 2: Project 2

Week 6 - Week 9
Jessica Ngu Wei King (0323639)
Publishing design II: Mass Communication 
Project 2: The book (Part 2: Layout & final mock-up)


After developing content (text and visuals) the next stage is to determine the format (size and binding method), and an appropriate & attractive layout based on a suitable grid system, choice of font/s and use of colour.

1 Due to time constraints the binding method shall be predetermined to be staple binding (saddle binding). The book is of 32 pages, which is smaller than A4 and bigger than A5. However should you wish to try a different binding method you may do so with the permission of your lecturer. 
2 You will need to adapt a suitable grid system, choose a fitting font and create an attractive layout in InDesign. 
3 Your choice of colour must compliment your visuals and play a role that is supportive but also create dynamism where needed. It is advised to limit the use of colour, as it could be distracting. 
4 You need to determine your paper type, for cover as well as inside pages. A visit to the paper factory Hiap Moh or Conqueror is advised. 
The end result will be an actual size mock-up of the book with finishing that is of good standard.

The student must utilise the accumulated knowledge from the exercises, lectures and from their own reading (library books and online sources) to guide them and inform them in their decisions.
The student must document the process (sketches, layouts, trial and errors) in their eporfolio and hardcopy portfolio. The student will be expected to submit the final mock-up in the hardcopy portfolio and the softcopy PDF uploaded or embedded unto the eportfolio. Create a separate folder in your Google Drive and store all files, artefacts, project submissions, etc. here.
Ensure all items are logically and chronologically ordered, labelled and dated.

1 All gathered information (failures, successes, epiphanies, sketches, visual research, printouts, websites, images, charts, etc.) documented logically and chronologically in the A4 Clear Sheet hardcopy portfolio. The works labelled and dated. 
2 All gathered information (failures, successes, epiphanies, sketches, visual research, printouts, websites, images, charts, etc.) documented logically and chronologically in the eportfolio for the duration of the project in one post. 
3 Pictures of the final book mock-up, softcopy PDF uploaded or embedded unto the eportfolio. Label it as final so that it is clear that this is the final version. 
4 Final book mock-up in actual size and on the selected paper along with a complete thumbnail print out of all the pages. 

1 To develop students ability to arrange various elements attractively in a book. 
2 To develop students ability to create a suitable grid system that allows them flexibility. 
3 To develop students ability to integrate text and visuals attractively. 
4 To develop students ability to maintain a consistent identity with acceptable variation. 

5 To develop students ability to use colour appropriately; supportive or dynamic. 

Progress/ Research

To start our project 2, we need to test out different grids in order to determine the one that suit our book. Below are the three grids I've tested out. 

Fig. 1: Test grid 1

Fig. 2: Test grid 2

Fig. 3: Test grid 3

Once the grid is decided, we had to choose the suitable typefaces for our book. I've decided to use Avant Garde Gothic Std for my headline as I thought that I suits my and visual style well. So, I chose a few different typefaces to test out the one match best with Avant Garde. Unfortunately, after discussing with Mr. Vinod, he told me that except for Avant Garde, none of the typefaces I've chosen suits my visual style as they are too old and classic. He then suggested me to use typefaces that are more bold and modern, such as Univers or Futura, I decided to use Univers this time as I've always been using Futura for my past few projects and I wanted to try others. 

Fig. 4: Avant Garde with Avant Garde

Fig. 5: Avant Garde with Optima

Fig. 6: Avant Garde with Sabon Lt Std

Fig. 7: Avant Garde with Adobe Caslon Pro

Fig. 8: Avant Garde with Adobe Jensen Pro

Layout reference

I went to Pinterest to find out layout design as my reference for my book design. I found this layout interesting because I like how they placed the so much texts all together but still remain the white spaces in the spreads. Also I think this kind of layout suits my visual style, do I decided to try out this kind of layout style. 

Fig. 9: Screen shot of layout reference from Pinterest

Black and white mock-up
Fig. 10: B&W mock up cover
Fig. 11: B&W mock up spread

Full color mock up
Fig. 12: Color mock up spread

Final hard copy book submission
PDF link click here
Fig. 13: Front and back cover spread

Fig. 14: Inside back spread

Fig. 15: Imprint and contents spread

Fig. 16

Fig. 17: Introduction spread

Fig. 18

Fig. 19 
Fig. 20: Chapter one spread 
Fig. 21

Fig. 22

Fig. 23: Chapter two spread

Fig. 24

Fig. 25
Fig. 26
Fig. 27: Chapter three spread
Fig. 28

Fig. 29
Color thumbnail print 1
Color thumbnail print 2

Final book cover/ back page hard copy version
Final book inside back hard copy version

Week 6
Chosen typeface for text is not suitable for my visuals. Suggest using more bold/ modern (univers, futura) typefaces rather than using old typefaces. Can add more rows to my layout. Point size for headlines are too large. I was advised to explore more on my layout so that I can achieve the 'white space' I wanted in my design. 

Week 7
Layout is loose, should put all texts together so that it look stronger. 

Week 8
We were asked to introduce colours in our book and print out a colour mock up on Friday. Ragging also needed to be adjust, align content with imprint, and also reduce the point size for imprint page. During friday's class, we are to start working on our e-pub and show progress on Monday. For my final book, the book layout is good, except I need to becareful of the letter spacing. Also, the letter spacing for my summary page is too close, suggest to make more spaces in between. 


I felt that project two wasn't going as smooth as I thought. I think the main reason is still because there are too much work load in this semester. Even though we were given quite a lot of time for this project, but I felt like I am always rushing to complete this project. It was quite a tiring project for me, but I'd learn a lot from it. Also I felt that publishing one and publishing two are quite different, even though the thing we learn are almost the same. I think in publishing one we are looking more on layout design, whereas publishing two are going more deeper into both typographic details and layouts.

I realized that the publishing in this semester is really different from the previous semester. Unlike the previous semester, I've learn a lot in creating layouts and paying attention in the details at the same time. It was quite tough for me. Also, I find project 2 isn't that satisfying for me, even though overall it looked quite well together, but still, I don't really feel satisfying enough. 

I find it difficult to create layouts and paying attention to the details at the same time its because  I find out that I rarely pay attention into the details in my previous projects in publishing. In project two, I learn more about the details like how to adjust the body text raging, which I do not really learn in publishing one, also I'm able to use grids and columns properly, unlike previous semester, I would just throw everything into the space. However, I find it really hard to design with grids, mainly because I'm not the type of person who would follow every columns and grids. Therefore, I find it limiting myself because I cannot move things freely. I found out that I prefer designing layouts not following the grids.  

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