Sunday, 20 November 2016

Advertising Week 12

20.11.16 (Week 12)
Jessica Ngu Wei King, (0323639)
Advertising Principles & Practice



Project 3 Submission

Magazine Advertisement
Figure 1, 2: Magazine Advertisement (7.5 x 10.375 in)
Figure 3: Coaster Advertisement *Front* (3.9 x 3.9 in)

Figure 4: Coaster Advertisement Simulation
Figure 5: Facebook Advertisement (400 x 400px) 
Figure 6: Facebook Advertisement Simulation
Figure 7: Web Banner Advertisement (336 x 280px) 
Figure 8: Web Banner Advertisement Simulation *Before clicking it in*
Figure 9: Web Banner Advertisement Simulation *Overlay Ads come out when u click it in* 
Figure 10: Snapchat Advertisement (70 x 120mm)
Figure 11: Snapchat Advertisement Simulation *how the ads look like in Snapchat*
Figure 12: Snapchat Advertisement Simulation *People join the dots using the pencil tool*
Figure 13: How the Ads Work in Snapchat
This module has taught me a lot, not only gained a lot of knowledge about Advertising, but also learnt how to express my thoughts more often. I felt very nervous since the first lecture, because I was afraid I couldn't do well in this module. I was not confident with my ideas on the first few sessions of idea sketches discussions, but this module has encouraged me to speak more on my own ideas and giving comments on other people's work, which really helped me a lot. I find this module difficult for me because I'm not a creative person, and It was really difficult for me to come out with sketches every week. I learned how to accept criticism, because it help me improve myself. Even though this module has a lot of work to do, but I felt that it is more productive than the previous semester. 

I noticed that everyone (including me) learned to give comments to other people's work for them to improve themselves. It also help the classmates to become closer. 

I find myself more confident while presenting my ideas and thoughts, not only in this module, but others as well. To conclude this module, It has been quite an interesting module (even I don't think so from the beginning and we have too much work), I believe that through these happy and tough times, I've really learn and grow a lot from this module. I've also learned a lot about condoms... 

Saturday, 19 November 2016

Advertising Week 11

08.11.16 (Week 10)
Jessica Ngu Wei King, (0323639)
Project 3: Advertising Campaign (Part 2- Art direction)


Project 3 Brief


After discussing with the lecturer, we decided to change the headline from 'so thin, it joins us' to 'so thin, it joins us together'.
Mr. Vinod suggest that I could make the ads more interactive with the consumer by creating 'join the dots and get a free sample' kind of activities, so that people would participate in it. In this magazine ads, people would join the dots, tear off the page and send it back to play safe to get a free sample.
In coaster ads, people would consume three pints of beer, participate the join the dots challenge and get a free sample. Mr. Vinod suggest me to add the challenge descriptions at the back of the coaster.

Same goes to the snapchat ads, people join the dots, send back to play safe and get a free sample via email. Mr. Vinod also suggested that I do a diagram to explain how the ad works. 
For the interactive web banner, I will add 'join the dots and get free sample' in it too.

Friday, 18 November 2016

Advertising Week 10

08.11.16 (Week 10)
Jessica Ngu Wei King, (0323639)
Project 3: Advertising Campaign (Part 2- Art direction)


Project 3 Brief


Figure 1: Since I changes my mind to coaster ads, so I changed the edges to rounded ones
Figure 2: Ads for Facebook
Figure 3: I've decided on the size for interactive web banner, also, Mr. Vinod suggested me to remove the lines on the leg from the previous version
Same as usual, we showed what we've done over the weekend to the lecturer. We had one-on-one consultation and little discussion on our work among ourselves. Everyone is doing well on their work. 

I noticed that the deadlines of all subjects are killing me because we have so much things to do in just one week time.. I also realized that my digitalized work is very boring and not interesting. 

I wish I could have time to take a break, but the assignment is due two weeks later. I have to think the deadline as my motivation for me to work faster and more productively. 

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Advertising Week 9

25.10.16 (Week 9)
Jessica Ngu Wei King, (0323639)
Project 3: Advertising Campaign (Part 2- Art direction)



The Brief
Advertising Campaign (Part 2): Art Direction
Duration of Assignment
5 Weeks (Briefing on Week 8)
Week 13 (21 Nov 2016)
The student now has the task of developing an Advertising Campaign – a total of 5 ads across different/same media – for the Playsafe Condom Brand, and its Air Ultra Thin product. Utilising the insights researched (Project 2), the ideas developed (Project 1), and the determined media strategy (Project 3), execute a well art directed, crafted, creative advertising campaign that maintains the mood, tone and most importantly conveys the ad message (USP/SMP) consistently throughout the different/same media. Create an advertising campaign that is on message, on target and makes a lasting impact visually and emotionally.
In part 2 of the advertising campaign, the focus is on the students ability to translate the creative idea into concepts that are well art directed and crafted ad. campaign, taking into consideration the target audience, media and the socio-cultural factors.
The brand: Playsafe Condoms
The product: Air Ultra Thin (See figure 1.)
SMP/USP: Extremely thin condom for extra sensitivity Target Audience: Gen Y. 

The student must document their progress in their eportfolio and the A3 hardcopy portfolio. The final results must be printed out for the A3 hardcopy portfolio, and the Adobe PDF and JPEGs of the final artworks must be uploaded to your eportfolio. Ensure all aspects of your journey in this process is documented – failures, successes, epiphanies, sketches, visual research, etc.
  1. All gathered information (failures, successes, epiphanies, sketches, visual research, etc.) documented chronologically in the A3 Clear Sheet folder. The works must be labelled and dated.
  2. All gathered information (failures, successes, epiphanies, sketches, visual research, screen grabs, websites, images, etc.) documented chronologically in the eportfolio for every week, for the duration of the project.
A3 print outs of the individual ads from the campaign and simulated print outs of what it would look like in its actual setting.

Marking Criteria & % Distribution

Strategy (10%): Ability to translate the key insights into communication opportunities to set a direction for their advertising–ad message. It is based on the ‘resonating strength of the USP/SMP.

Creative Idea (10%):  Ability to translate the USP/SMP into a creative idea that is compelling enough to demand attention from the target audience.

Art Direction (10%): Ability to use relevant visual elements, and compose them in a way that makes the ad message clear to the reader. Ability to enhance the ad message with detailed, well crafted and executed ads.

Branding & Identity (10%): Ability to maintain a consistent image, mood and tone, typographically, visually (colour and image) and in sound (headline and copy).

  1. To develop students ability to ideate effectively.
  2. To develop students ability to synthesise knowledge.
  3. To develop students ability to gain and utilise insight for effective advertising
  4. To develop students ability to create and execute an effective ad. message.
To develop students ability to determine a media mix based on analysis.   


Figure 1: First attempt on my ads (digitalized version), printed B&W version
Mr. Vinod suggested that I should change my numbers font same as my headline font, which is Futura. 

Figure 2: Making another positions with the suggested typeface 
Figure 3: Fig 2 and 3 are for interactive web banner, I haven't decide on which size to use yet. 

Figure 4: Magazine Ads

Figure 5: This was originally for one of the interactive web banner ads, but Mr. Vinod suggested that I could use this as coaster ads as well, I think it was a good idea, so I changed my mind


Since there were no lecture, everyone showed digitalized ads progress to Mr. Vinod. We had consultations on Friday to show our work and improve on it. 

I noticed that I have very bad skills on photoshop and illustrator. I also noticed that I am quite not confident with my digitalized ads. 

I should ask more feedbacks from lecturer and classmates in order to improve my ads. 

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