Wednesday, 14 December 2016

Project 3

Week 3- Week 8
Jessica Ngu Wei King (0323639) BGCD
Publishing I: Print Media

Project 3: Magazine Design and Layout

Instructions/ Project Brief
*to be updated*

Design Process
I decided to choose the topic 'nature photography'. My idea was to create a nature photography that only talks about photographing in winter (since its December now). I want to maintain the airy space and the 'cold' feeling for my magazine layout. So I started off with some sketches (Fig. 1-4). 

Fig. 1

Fig. 2
Fig. 3
Fig. 4
I thought of different mastheads for my magazine (lenses, naturalism, adventures, escape). At last, I decided to name it capture, as it is simple, yet strong and more appropriate for a photography magazine. I came out with different designs for my cover to set up the feeling for the rest of the pages. 
Fig. 5 
Fig. 6
Fig. 7
Fig. 8 
Fig. 9
Fig. 10
Since I've set my magazine cover page to more of a modern feel, I felt like angles, square, lines and shapes are more suitable for my contents pages. It also needs some movement in my layout in order to lead people to continuing reading it. 
Fig. 11 
Fig. 12 
Fig. 13
Fig. 14
Fig. 15
Fig. 16
1. Feature Article 1
My first feature article is talking about how to capture perfect photo during winter, and also the tips to take photographs in winter. I planned to used a lot of large images in my spreads. 

Fig. 17
Fig. 18 
Fig. 19
Fig. 20
Fig. 11
Fig. 12
Fig. 13 
Fig. 14 
Fig. 15
Fig. 16

2. Cover Story 
Cover story is about shooting winter scene in black and white. 

Fig. 17
Fig. 18 
Fig. 19
Fig. 20
Fig. 21
Fig. 22
Project 3 Final Outcome


1. What was your main DESIGN DIRECTION?
My main design concept was to create a photography magazine for winter edition. I wish to create an airy and cold feeling to my readers. 
2. What was your main AIM in resolving this project?
Same as the previous project, I was aiming to achieve the same feeling for every spreads so that the whole booklet look same overall. I was also aiming to let people feel comfortable and a lot of spaces to 'breathe' while reading at it. 

3. What were the tangible, measurable OUTCOMES that you achieved?
I believe that I have achieved what I've wanted to show others through the comments and feedbacks from my lecturer and classmates. I think my final outcome turned out quite well and successfully on the pdf and flip book versions, but I am not sure about the physical book as there is some problem with my binding, which would affects the reading. Other than that, I think I have achieved that airy and cold feeling in my layout. 

4. What were your OBSERVATIONS?
I observed that I must set my cover page first in order to continue the rest. Also, without the contents and idea of topic I wanted to include, I can't continue doing my layout. I think the hardest part on this project is to make use of the spaces. It may sound easy, but it's not. If the spaces are not being used properly it may create a lot of weird white space. However, I do enjoy exploring this kind of swiss magazine layout as I've never tried it before.

5. Carry out some REFLECTIONS.
I've spend a lot of effort in this project and I'm happy with my outcome. I was able to come out with what I wanted to achieve in this project and I'm really satisfied with it. I would like to explore some complicated layout with a lot of movements and adventures in the future assignments.